Saturday, January 12, 2013

More's Top Ten Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed

More's magazine's top ten anti-aging secrets are as follows:
1.  Eat chocolate every day-dark chocolate lowers blood pressure, relaxes artery walls, and reduces the risk of heart disease by 11 percent.  Don't overdo--2 ounces will do.
2.  The BUN is back-not cinnamon buns but hair buns.  Celebs know the trick to anti-aging--pull it all up into a chic look!
3.  Take good care of your skin-wash and moisturize daily
4.  It's in the EYES-wrinkles around the eye really age a person so make sure you wash and condition your eye area
5.  Wear COLOR-a burst of bold color will brighten your face and your outlook and give you a sun-kissed glow.
6.  Try the superfruit-guavas are totally edible and are a rich source of potassium and vitamins
7.  Use Retin-A cream-still the gold standard when it comes to combating skin damage and fine lines.  Available only with a prescription.
8.  Stay young with YOGA-helps you to stretch and relax plus reduces anxiety.  A few simple poses a day could do the trick,
9.  Update your look every single season-tweak your look from clothes to hair to make up.  Stay in the game.  Don't look like your year book photo.
10. The un-botox-latest technology for paralyzing wrinkles involves a cold probe.  Instead of knocking it out with deadening the nerve, you literally freeze it.

1 comment:

  1. I can get you some RetinA without a prescription. One of the perks of being Mexican.
