Thursday, October 24, 2013

Outlets For Emotional Pain When Grieving

Here are some outlets for emotional pain when grieving:
(No matter what happens in life, we are all bound to experience deep pain whether it be from relationship separations, work conflicts, health related difficulties, or the death of a loved one.  No one escapes these experiences in life and the pain they bring).  The old Chinese proverb says:  "You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your heads, but you can prevent them from building a nest in your hair."
1.  Reduce self-critical thinking.  Do not self condemn.  Sort out truth and reality.  Don't be hard on yourself, it is only self defeating.  You do not have to put yourself down for imaginary deficiencies or errors that you think you made in distressing personal circumstances.  Share your feelings with a trusted friend or counselor.
2.  Give your body a time-out.  Give your body some daily down time.  Never forget that what you think always translates into physical feelings.  Deep breathe, go for a brisk walk, read a good book...
3.  Change the scene.  Don't have constant reminders of your pain.  Cut down repetitive behaviors that keep reminding you of your loss.  Change the furniture, change your routine a bit, establish new goals.
4.  Work to change your perception of the event that is causing you grief and pain.  We all grieve in different ways and in different times, but try to get a new and fresher view of your loss.  Ask:  what new meaning can I give to this great loss?
5.  Take diversion side trips.  Become an expert in diverting painful thoughts.  Cut out magazine pictures and imagine what you DO like.  Say positive affirmations to yourself constantly like "I am good and have the ability to..."
6.  The ultimate outlet for emotional pain when grieving is accepting the loss and learn to move on.  Letting grief do its job is really about accepting what has happened and adapting to the new conditions of life.  Love never dies and nor do the memories.
7.  Feel free to talk about your loss.  Express your emotions.  Let it out.  Be good to yourself!
8.  Have HOPE and know that God has a plan for you!  He lives and loves each of us.  There is a heaven and an after-life!  Someday we will see our loved ones again!!!

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