Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dress For Success

I was in a book store the other day and noticed a sloppy dressed young man sipping on a HUGE soda. He asked to speak with the manager. His jeans were dirty and coming down from his waist. He needed a haircut and a shave. He looked to be about 18 years old. His T-shirt had large letters on it. The manager took one quick glance at the way he was dressed as he asked if she had reviewed his job application. Her reaction was exactly what I predicted it would be--she turned him down (and probably doesn't want to hire him). I thought, if only you had combed your hair, gotten a haircut, put on some dress slacks, and a white collared button down shirt, you would have gotten the job or at least a job interview. Why do people walk around sipping 64 ounce drinks? Do they know how unbecoming it looks? A little effort on his part would have resulted in a much better outcome. The way we dress, walk, and look leaves a big impression on people. It's too bad that we make snap judgements about others just based on appearances but how we look says a lot about us on the inside. We need to put forth the effort and dress for success! It doesn't take any more time or energy than putting on a sloppy pair of jeans and a t-shirt. The effort is worth it! Have you ever noticed how you feel better when you look better?

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