Friday, November 18, 2011

Single Ladies--How To Be a Guy Magnet

Do you have single daughters or are you still single? It is so interesting to see why some girls can't even get a date while others have guys wanting to run down the aisle. So what is it that some women have that others don't? Some girls just know how to be a guy magnet. Listen up--Glamour has come out with a list on how to be a guy magnet. Here are some of the following suggestions: (along with my own ideas)
1.Go out looking for a fun time-not for your future husband. Some girls are so pickey that they won't even accept a date with someone that is not husband material. That is dumb because maybe if he doesn't have everything that you are looking for, he might have a room mate that does. Nothing is more appealing to guy than a girl who carries herself well and has confidence and acts like she is having a good time.
2. Never bash other women. Being catty will get you nowhere with guys. When you trash talk other females it makes you appear insecure. Someone else's strengths don't make you look bad--but being jealous and insecure does.
3. Be Easy Going. Guys are attracted to girls that they can imagine having fun with. It boils down to charm and ability to roll with the punches.
4. Don't dress for girls. Don't dress to impress the girls. Leave the rompers and maxi dresses at home. Put on a cute pair of jeans, a blouse or t shirt and some high heels and you are good to go.
5. Two Words--No Whining. It is so easy to complain and be Negative Nancy but don't do it. Guys hate drama queens. It is impossible to flirt if you're complaining all the time (turn off). Have a fun loving attitude towards life.
6. Be the person you would want to date. If you want all the bells and whistles in a man, than you had better have a lot to offer as well. If you don't want to date yourself, then how can you expect someone else to want to date you? Become someone you'd want to hang out with.
7. Let him see your ambitious side. Be busy. Guys like to know that you have interests and passions. Girls who are motivated to accomplish their dreams show drive and determination. Guys love those qualities. It shows that you are not just sitting at home waiting for Mr. Right to call. High quality men are driven to ambitious women.
8. Be scarce. Let him know who you are but make yourself unavailable. No hanging out!!! Just dates is all you'll accept. You are busy and in demand. Get busy! If a man has to choose between a clingy beauty and an unavailable average girl, he will choose the average girl every time!

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