Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You Can Never Be Too Rich or Too Thin(Maybe NOT)

The old saying goes: "You can never be too rich or too thin". I have a bone to pick with this. I think there is great prejudice in our county against people who are fat or larger. They did a survey of three people who all applied for the same job: all had the same educational level, equal qualifications, all the same age. The only difference is that one was an ex-convict, one was recently released from a mental institution, and one was over-weight. Guess which one didn't get the job? Yup, the overweight one. I think we put too much emphasis on those who are thin--we tend to favor them over larger people. THIS IS WRONG! I also hate it when rich people are treated better than poor people. I also hate it when rich people think they are better than poorer people. I have also seen massively lean people who look so thin they look like they just walked away from a Nazi war camp. They look horribly wrong. They become so obsessed with being thin that they literally STARVE themselves. So, yes, you can be too thin or too rich!

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