Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tell Them You Love Them

I have been a mother for over 30 years and I believe that you can never tell your children enough how much you love them.  You need to tell them every morning until evening how much you love them and care about them. For every negative you must say three positives.  You need to tell them what you want them to do NOT what you don't want them to do. Watch your language with your children.  Positive reinforcement is so much better than negative. Remember that teens need boundaries.  They might look like adults but they are not!  It is crucial to have sit down dinners every night.  Your dinner table is an alter to your family.  It is where the days events can be shared and memories formed.  It is essential to bond together at the end of a day and recall the days joys and sorrows.  Studies have shown that families that eat regularly together are less likely to have drug or moral issues with their children.  Encourage independence and accountability.  Go to all of their parent teacher conferences. Express your gratitude often.

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