Saturday, September 15, 2012

B.Y.U Study on the Benefits of Exercise

A recent B.Y.U. study found that exercise curbs your appetite or food interest.  I know that when I exercise I don't eat (ha, ha) so that is actual time that I won't be consuming calories...but to suppress your appetite, now I can handle that one!  I exercise at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes and I've had friends say that it doesn't really matter because it's what you put in your mouth that counts.  B.Y.U. is claiming that not only does exercise burn calories and tones your body, and strengthens your heart BUT it actually decreases your interest in food temporarily.  Brain scans showed people who had exercised for 45 minutes on a treadmill had less motivation for food afterward than those who are sedentary.  (Heck, I can go for a caramel toffee bar ANYTIME).  The difference in interest in food appeared to be driven by the exercise, not by one's body mass index. And it was consistent for both those who were obese and those who were normal weight.  So, exercise daily, eat good foods, and get enough sunlight and sleep...

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