Sunday, September 2, 2012

In Favor of Motherhood

I believe that ideally a man/husband should provide, preside, and protect.  A mother should be the nurturer and the guardian of the hearth.  How can you be the "guardian of the hearth" if you are never at the hearth?  She should teach her children righteous principles.  You have to put your whole heart and soul into being a mother!  Full-time motherhood!  Children need their MOTHER more than they need MONEY!  There are so many hidden blessings and treasures that come from putting your children and family FIRST!  Children need the time and attention  and love that only a mother can give.  It is quality and quantity that counts.  If you put the time and attention in when they are under your care, then you can reap the rewards of having children turn out, the remainder of your days.  Children are under your care for just a short while and then they are gone!

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