Monday, March 26, 2012

Walking On Sunshine

There are smart and exciting ways to kick pessimism to the curb. Don't let your mind get high-jacked by pessimism. There are always going to be life changing events that can cause anxiety and fear. We need to accept them as part of life. We also all encounter burnt toast, over-done roasts, speeding or traffic tickets, late fees, poor performances, a bad hair day, no more parking, etc...We need to also accept this and know that this is just part of life FOR EVERYONE! No one is perfect. Here are some simple suggestions on how to lighten up:
1. Baby Steps-you can't eat an elephant all at once. You must break it down into bite sizes. Sometimes all we can see is the huge elephant that we must tackle.
2. Fight Fear With Planning-anytime there is a big life change, it is vital to have a clear plan. Setting goals will help you from getting overwhelmed.
3. Stop And Smell the Hot Chocolate-we can train our brain to become more sensitive and alert to wonderful things around us. Try to savor the things like the scent of fresh flowers or fresh rain, the blue sky, the color green, etc.. Take ten seconds to refocus and you will fell an emotional shift.
4. Banish the Bad-try to forget other's faults, including your own. Try to focus in on your own strengths and successes. Try to imagine success rather than failure.
5. Keep a Thankfulness Journal-get a small notebook and write down daily the things you are grateful for. You will be amazed at how many blessings you have. Count your many blessings.
6. Pray and Serve Others-God knows us and He knows our hearts. As we look to Him we can find strength and power. As we serve others, we lift ourselves.

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