Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Live Longer and Better

Here is a quiz to see if you know how to live longer and better.
1.  Which of these will improve your memory?
a.  Solving crossword puzzles
b.  Going on walks
c.  Taking vitamin supplements
(Answer is B.  Physically active older people experienced less brain shrinkage.)

2.  What's the best treatment for arthritic knees?
a.  Sitting down
b.  Doing tai chi
c.  Taking shark cartilage pills
(Answer is B.  Stretching and poses improve function)

3.  Which of these 2 habits could shave the most time off of your life?
a.  Watching T.V.
b.  Smoking
(Answer is A.  Every hour that an adult watches T.V. sitting can cut 22 minutes off your life compared to 11 minutes from smoking.)

4.  True or False.  If you are middle aged and have spent 20 years avoiding exercise, smoking, or otherwise being unhealthy, its' too late to change now.
(Answer False.  It's never too late...people who start to walk only a few times a week after they are 40 were healthier than those who never exercise).

5.  True or False.  To feel younger, just open up your blinds or drapes.
(Answer true.  Looking out a window can destress you and lower your blood pressure and add strands of younger DNA).

6.  If you are physically active and sociable , you can expect to add how many years to your life span?
a.  .8
b.  1.5
c.   3.6
d.  5.4
(Answer is D.  People 75 or older who swam, walked, or did stretching and had a rich social network lived more than 5 years longer than people who were isolated and sedentary.

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